Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Right now, I love...

While I was lying in my cozy bed trying to go to sleep last night, it occurred to me that there are some things that make me smile, no matter what mood I'm in. This was prompted by the phrase "sparkling personalities" (someone please tell me why I watched "The Bachelor" last night).

And I thought that Mary Alice's Xanga blog ends every post with the option to "Add Smiles" or "Add Sparkles" (comments and kudos, I think). But Mary Alice already smiles and sparkles so much that no additions are necessary. That isn't, of course, to say that you shouldn't comment on Mary Alice's blog, just that she's sparkly, in the best of ways, and you can read it in almost every word of every post.

Then I started thinking about other stuff that makes me happy, no matter what the situation.

I love that Noela and I can be best friends whenever we are able to get together, regardless of how long it has been since the last time we talked, and in spite of the fact that our personalities are at opposite ends of the personality spectrum.

I love that my brother can make me laugh about annnnyyyyything, and that after 20 years or so of not getting along most of the time, we're friends now.

I love that a smile inevitably comes to my face when Shannon walks into a room.

And I love that anything is possible.


Anonymous said...

:) I love you, Lea!

Shannon said...

i think you're ok...

Anonymous said...

I love all my friends!