Saturday, April 4, 2009

100: Celebrations

Karen is getting a church "of her own".

I think it's brilliant. And heartbreaking.

And I want to be her sidekick.

It was a day of big announcements at church today; Karen's appointment to Mission Hills UMC was the first, and then, during prayer, Marian "outed" herself, Wayne, and the twins.

So, my well loved first mentor is leaving me, but it's so exciting that I can only be sad part time. (Anyway, I'm like the last person in line who gets to say how much Karen's presence their lives has meant. And it's not as if she's being sent to Guam... which is, after all, possible.) And, there are two well loved little people growing in Marian's tummy right now, and I get to be the first on-call babysitter.

What a joyful and bittersweet and wonderful day to celebrate life.

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