Sunday, December 6, 2009


So, I said that I was going to write about the opening of the student exhibit at the Mesa art gallery, but that was kind of lackluster, so I won't. Not really. I mean, it's super cool that my drawing is in the show... I love that I'm getting better at drawing, and that my hard work was rewarded. It's just that the opening was a little anticlimactic. Getting chosen for the show was the good part, and I really was excited about that for like a week. But then the high wore off, and now it's just my picture (framed really shoddily) hung in the corner of the junior college art gallery. Whoop.

I don't even remember the last time I wrote anything here. I guess it was like, in August. I've been neglectful. But I really have been busy: Marian had the twins, and I started my first full semester back in school since 2003... Plus, I took on two jobs in addition to the one I already had. Which is great, but it all keeps me really busy. I kind of miss my summer of goofing off.

In addition to all the day-to-day busyness of my life, I keep taking on additional stuff. Like hosting a gingerbread house building party this weekend. It was a blast, but I let a lot of stuff slide last week as I was getting ready for the party... And I didn't do any work over my Thanksgiving break, so I'm still behind. One of these days, I really am going to learn time management. You'd think I'd have it down after the whole USMC experience, but no: time management there was pretty much contained to one 14-hour period at a time. I need to learn to plan ahead.

Fortunately, I'm more dedicated to success this time around.

I think I'm a little pensive because I'm tired. It'll pass.

The gingerbread party was really a good time... Once we finally got around to actually building a gingerbread house. My initial vision did not at all become a reality, but with lots of help from a dedicated team of material engineers, we got all the pieces done by oh, about 3:00 PM. Next time I'll be much better prepared. I had no idea how labor-intensive making gingerbread was!

See, the original plan was to fabricate enough structural pieces for each person or couple to build their own house... But there was no way that Andy's single-rack oven was going to be up to the task of churning out a dozen houses in an hour, so we completely revamped and built one big mansion. Which turned out looking like the projects, but hey, we weren't expecting the gingerbread man to set up residence anyway. And the ants would be happy even if it had no roof at all, right?

Pictures are forthcoming... I think Andy's followthrough bone is about as effective as my own. In other words, maybe by Easter.

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