Monday, April 14, 2008

Eight hours? Please.

First, let me say that I just found my old livejournal blog, and it's cracking me up. Most of it is from my first deployment, when I loved the Marine Corps and was definitely going to be in for life. Man, my life has changed in the last three years or so. If anyone wants to look, it can be found here.

Anyway. At dinner today "the guys" and I were talking about the jobs we had before the USMC, and how eight hour workdays drained us completely, but now we long for days that are ten hours or less. For example, tonight it's 3:30AM, and I've been at work since noon. And since I'm doing this instead of working, I'm not going to get out of here for a while yet. But that part is my fault.

So blogger is not as functional on the boat as it is in the real world, apparently. I can't upload pictures, for one, and it doesn't look like I can go back in and edit posts once I've published them. So if I occasionally look like an idiot, that's probably why. Or else because I was actually an idiot.

Also, in case I haven't mentioned this yet, it is a giant tease to fly in circles over the California coast and then come back to the ship at night.

Wednesday! Wednesday I'll be in San Diego, and Thursday I'll be in Jacksonville.

If I miss you guys this much in a week... man. This deployment deal is getting harder every time.

Edit #1: Ha! I found out how to edit!

Edit #2: I also just found my ooollldd Xanga blog. I was like 19 or 20. And angry! And uber-excited about being in the Marine Corps. It's actually a little embarrassing, so I will reserve the link for people who are really that interested in my life of five years ago.

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